policies & procedures

Staff Behaviour Policy
Planet Warriors Kids Club expects all members of the team to follow our Staff Behaviour Policy, which sets clear guidance on the standards of behaviour required from our team and volunteers. The guidance aims to encourage staff to meet the highest possible standards of conduct at all times. The team are in a position of trust and influence as role models for the children in their care, and as such must demonstrate behaviour that sets a good example to all users of the setting.
The Team also has a responsibility to maintain their reputation and the reputation of the Club, both during and outside of working hours.
Our team are ambassadors for Planet Warriors Kids Club and we expect them to conduct themselves professionally at all times. The team should treat anyone attending the Club (children, parents/carers and visitors) courteously and with respect.
We expect the team to value all the children as individuals and to comply with the Club’s Equalities policy at all times.
Swearing and abusive behaviour are not tolerated from anyone at the Club. If any member of the team exhibits such behaviour they will be subject to the Club’s disciplinary procedures.
For more details see our Aggressive Behaviour policy and Staff Disciplinary policy.
Dress code
Whilst working at Planet Warriors Kids Club team will need to help to set up and pack away the setting, prepare food, facilitate craft activities and engage in physical activities with the children. The clothing and footwear worn should be chosen accordingly, taking into account comfort, health and safety, and practicality. Revealing or excessively tight clothing is not acceptable.
Whilst on duty all staff should wear Planet Warriors Kids Club sweatshirt / t-shirt and name badge at all times.
Footwear should be closed toes and comfortable and allow for running around- trainers or similar would be ideal.
Confidentiality and social media
Team members must not pass on any information about children attending the Club, or their parents and families, to third parties without their permission. The only exception to this rule is information sharing with specific external agencies if there is a safeguarding issue. (‘Third parties’ includes other parents, friends, other children at the Club, the press, etc.)
Posting any material relating to the Club or its users on social media sites (unless expressly permitted by the Manager) is forbidden. Any staff who breach this rule will face disciplinary action.
See our Data Protection policy, Social Media policy, Safeguarding policy and Staff Disciplinary policy for more details.
Use of mobile phones, wearable technology and cameras
Team member’s personal mobile phones must be kept in the office during working hours.
If a member of staff needs to make an urgent personal call they can use the Club phone or make a personal call from their mobile in the office away from the children. They will need to ask the manager to do this.
For emergencies the club’s number should be given to family members to contact them during club time
If a member of staff has a family emergency or similar and needs to keep their mobile phone to hand, they must obtain prior permission from the Manager or Deputy.
Only the club camera can be used to take photographs of children at the Club, except with the express permission of the Manager.
Staff must never use their personal mobile phones, wearable technology or personal cameras to take photographs at the Club during working hours. Doing so will be considered gross misconduct and may result in dismissal.
Wearable technology such as Smartwatches and Fitbits are ONLY permitted if they do not have a camera option on the phone and communication functions such as messaging/ phone calls are turned off during the session.
See our Safeguarding policy and Staff Disciplinary policy for more details.
Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Staff are not permitted to smoke anywhere on the Club premises, including the outside play areas. This includes Vaping and E-cigarettes.
Staff are not permitted to bring alcohol or illegal drugs onto the Club premises. If a member of staff arrives at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs they will be asked to leave immediately and disciplinary action will be taken.
If a member of staff is taking prescription drugs which might affect their ability to function effectively, they must inform the Manager immediately.
Any prescribed medication needed by a staff member whilst at the Club, must be stored safely in the medical box out of reach and sight of the children attending the Club.
See our Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs policy for more details.
Staff Conduct and Suitability
Staff are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour and are expected to disclose any convictions, cautions, reprimands, warnings or other incidents that may affect their suitability to work with children. This is an ongoing commitment and expectation upon staff who are required to complete an annual declaration of continued suitability.
Low level concerns will be dealt with through the supervision procedures with your immediate line manager. Allegations about staff conduct will be handled in line with the staff disciplinary policy.
Any member of staff should feel confident to raise concerns about safe practice or other concerns about adults working with children in confidence and in line with the whistleblowing policy.
Gross misconduct
Staff will be dismissed without notice if they are found to have committed an act of gross misconduct. Examples of gross misconduct include, but are not restricted to:
Failing to comply with health and safety requirements
Ignoring a direct instruction given by the manager
Child abuse
Physical violence
Persistent bullying, sexual or racial harassment
Being unfit for work through alcohol or illegal drug use
Theft, fraud or falsification of documents
Being disqualified under the terms of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Section 75 of the Childcare Act 2006) or the Children’s Act 1989.
The Manager will investigate the alleged incident thoroughly before any decision to dismiss is made. For full details see our Staff Disciplinary policy.
This policy was adopted by: Planet Warriors Kids Club | Date: April 2024 |
To be reviewed: July 2025 | Signed: Laura Pring |
Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2023): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Child Protection [3.4-3.8], Suitable people [3.11, 3.13, 3.19] and Disqualification [3.14-3.16], Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment [3.55], Information and records [3.69]