policies & procedures

Safe Recruitment Policy
Planet Warriors Kids Club uses safe recruitment practices to ensure that all people working with the children in our care are safe and qualified to do so. When recruiting paid staff or volunteers we will follow the procedures set out below.
Advertising the vacancy
We will advertise all vacancies, and any job advertisements will include a statement about our commitment to safeguarding children.
Initial enquiry
Upon enquiring about a vacancy, we will send potential candidates:
a job description
a person specification
an application form
The application form includes:
a declaration that all information is correct
a section under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act that asks if the applicant has been awaiting a verdict, convicted, or cautioned or received a court order or final warning for any offence that may affect their suitability for working with children
a request for the contact details of two referees one of which should be the last employer; (if this is the candidate’s first job, their course tutor is a suitable alternative or three character references)
All applicants must submit an application form by the closing date. We will only accept CVs if they are accompanied by our standard application form completed as required.
Interview procedure
We will notify all candidates selected for the interview by email. All candidates will be asked to bring to the following items to the interview:
proof of identity, eg passport, driving licence or birth certificate.
proof of address, eg recent utility bill (not mobile phone) or bank statement.
proof of qualifications, i.e., the relevant certificates.
for non-British nationals, proof of the right to work in the UK (as required by the Asylum and Immigration Act).
The interview will be conducted by at least two interviewers. All candidates will be asked the same set of questions. We will then ask additional questions about any other issues that arise from their application form. For example, the interviewers will follow up on any gaps in the candidate’s employment history rigorously and ensure that they are satisfied with the explanation given, undertaking additional checks if necessary.
Appointing a new member of staff
When we have selected the successful candidate, we will:
send the candidate a written offer, which will clearly state that it is subject to the receipt of suitable references, full sight of a satisfactory enhanced DBS certificate and their written confirmation that they are not disqualified from working with children.
contact referees for a reference, including asking them if they have any child protection concerns about the candidate.
initiate an enhanced DBS check for the candidate, or if the candidate is subscribed to the DBS Update Service, review their current DBS certificate and check their status online
ask the candidate to complete a health questionnaire
notify any unsuccessful interviewees.
We will also take photocopies of the new member of staff’s qualification certificates and take details of the proof of identity documentation that has been reviewed and keep these on file.
When a new member of staff starts work at Planet Warriors Kids Club we will give them:
our terms and conditions, and get them to sign their contract; a copy of their contract will be kept on file
all our Club policies, and ensure that they sign a policy confirmation form to confirm that they have read and understood them; the signed form will be kept on file.
We will conduct a full induction and orientation programme with all new members of staff as set out in our Staff Induction policy.
The Club cannot employ staff or volunteers who have been convicted of an offence or have been subject to an order that disqualifies them from registration under section 75 of the Childcare Act 2006. All new staff must sign a declaration that they are not disqualified when they commence employment and all existing staff must sign the declaration annually to confirm that their status has not changed. If a member of staff becomes disqualified during their employment with us, we will terminate their employment and notify Ofsted.
DBS checks
We will obtain enhanced DBS disclosures for all staff, students and volunteers who will work with the children, or who have access to children’s information, including members of the management team, office team and volunteers. If candidates have subscribed to the DBS Update Service we will carefully review their current DBS certificate and then check their status online. If there has been a change in their status since their last DBS certificate was issued we will obtain a new DBS disclosure for them. Additional criminal records checks will be made for anyone who has lived abroad.
New staff will only be allowed to have unsupervised contact with children when we have had full sight of a satisfactory DBS certificate for them.
If we decide to allow a new member of staff to begin work pending the completion of their DBS check, we will complete a written risk assessment first and they will not be allowed unsupervised access to the children until we have seen and reviewed their DBS certificate.
When we appoint a member of staff we will keep a record of the date and number of their DBS disclosure on our Central DBS Record. We will update the DBS checks for all staff every 3 years and/or review Update Service checks every three years.
DBS checks with any recorded information
If the DBS check returns showing criminal records information relating to harm to children or young people, violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse images, terrorism offences, or anything else that might indicate they are unsuitable to work with children, the Manager will firstly check the list of offences that automatically disqualify a person from working with children under the terms of the Childcare Act 2006. The list is available here:
The Manager may seek further advice from social care or the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) if they are unsure whether the disclosed offence is on the list of disqualifiable offences and for advice.
If the candidate’s offences disqualify them from working with children then the offer of employment will be withdrawn.
If the offence shown on the disclosure is not on the list of disqualifying offences but still gives cause for concern, for example offences relating to theft or fraud or anything else that might pose a risk to the integrity of the club, the Manager may choose to seek further advice (eg from UNLOCK or NACRO) to help inform their decision.
Where the offences are more minor and where children are unlikely to be at risk of harm, the Club will decide on a case by case basis whether to confirm the appointment. This decision will be subject to undertaking a risk assessment of the applicant's criminal record. This will include giving the applicant the opportunity to provide an explanation for the offences, as well as the circumstances at the time. We will assess the applicant's attitude to their offences, and whether they would act differently now.
In all cases we will discuss any matter revealed on a DBS certificate with the applicant before withdrawing the conditional offer of employment.
Immigration status
The management is aware of Asylum and Immigration Act requirements and will check the eligibility of all new starters to work in the UK. Candidates are expected to provide documents confirming their status, usually a driving licence, passport, and NI number.
Equality Act 2010
At all points during the recruitment process, Planet Warriors Kids Club will comply with the Equality Act 2010 to ensure the fair and equal treatment of practitioners of different gender, race, and sexual orientation etc.
Related policies
Safeguarding policy.
Contact information
Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership
Phone: 0300 470 9100 (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm) Out of hours phone: 01483 517898 to speak to our emergency duty team.Email: cspa@surreycc.gov.uk
Social Care: LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer): Duty LADO please call 0300 123 1650 (option 3) or email LADO@surreycc.gov.uk
NACRO: https://www.nacro.org.uk/
UNLOCK: http://recruit.unlock.org.uk/
This policy was adopted by: Planet Warriors Kids Club | Date: April 2024 |
To be reviewed: July 2025 | Signed: Laura Pring |
Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2023): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Suitable people [3.9-3.14]; Staff qualifications, training, support and skills [3.20-3.26].