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Respiratory infections, including COVID-19 Policy

Respiratory infections are common, particularly during winter months. Symptoms can be caused by several respiratory infections including the common cold, Covid-19, flu and other respiratory infections.

Planet Warriors Kids Club recognises that careful planning is essential in order to keep the children and our staff safe, and to limit the spread of Covid-19 and other infectious diseases, within our setting.


Accordingly, we have conducted a thorough Covid-19 risk assessment and will review it whenever Government guidance changes.

Covid-19 symptoms

Covid-19 is a viral, respiratory disease, which is spread from person to person by close contact. Typical symptoms include a new persistent cough, high temperature and loss of (or change to) your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). Many people report cold or flu like symptoms, fatigue, loss of appetite and shortness of breath in addition to, or instead of the main three symptoms. However, it is important to be aware that in some cases the symptoms may be very mild or even non-existent (asymptomatic infection), especially in children and these symptoms may also have another cause.

Procedure where an individual child develops Covid-19 symptoms

We understand that anyone who has symptoms of Covid-19 are more likely to pass the virus onto others than those who do not have any symptoms. 

If a child or member of staff has suspected symptoms of Covid-19, we will follow the advice and guidance set out in the UK Health Security Agency guidance on Health Protection for education and childcare settings which directs the below procedure to be followed:

  • Anyone with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or mild cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend the setting.

  • Anyone who is unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and where possible avoid contact with other people. They can return to setting when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough.

  • Anyone who usually attends the Club and who lives with someone who feels unwell or has a positive COVID-19 test result may continue to attend as normal.

  • If any child becomes seriously ill whilst at our setting, we will call 999.

Infection control

It is the responsibility of Planet Warriors Kids Club to try to ensure the environment is safe for people who visit or attend. We will take reasonable steps to ensure this including regularly reviewing and updating our risk assessments.

Respiratory infections including Covid-19 are spread by:

  • Infected people passing the virus to others through droplets when coughing, sneezing, or even talking within a close distance.

  • Direct contact with an infected person: for example, if you shake or hold their hand, and then touch your own mouth, eyes or nose without first washing your hands.

  • Touching objects (eg door handles, light switches) that have previously been touched by an infected person, then touching your own mouth, eyes or nose without first washing your hands. Viruses can survive longer on hard surfaces than on soft or absorbent surfaces.

We will take the following steps to reduce the risk of catching or spreading respiratory infections at the Club:


  • Staff and children will be reminded to wash their hands regularly throughout the session, especially after using the toilet, before eating food and after coughing or sneezing.

  • Hand sanitiser will be available in convenient locations throughout the club.

  • We will have tissues readily available for use when sneezing and coughing, and these will be disposed of, in a lidded bin, immediately after use.


  • We will ensure an effective cleaning schedule for the club. Regular cleaning of areas and equipment will occur daily.

  • Frequently touched surfaces, such as handles, door plates, light switches, tabletops and toys are regularly cleaned with anti-bacterial spray or wipes, will have particular focus.


  • Ventilation is important in minimising transmission of airborne viruses. Ventilation will be included as part of our risk assessment and poorly ventilated areas identified. Steps will be taken to maximise the fresh air flow in these areas, wherever practical.

  • Doors and windows may be kept open where safe to do so, to keep the premises well ventilated, whilst balancing the provision of a comfortable childcare environment. 

Promoting good practice

We will promote infection control through the methods above, and in addition we will:

  • Ensure that all staff have received training in, and understand, our procedures

  • Display posters and information to promote infection control

  • Ensure that adequate supplies of cleaning materials are available within the Club

  • Dispose of waste promptly and hygienically

  • Provide tissues and suitable facilities for their disposal.


We may need to temporarily close the Club if we have insufficient staff due to illness to run sessions safely. If this occurs the manager will contact Surrey Early Years Team for further support and guidance.

In the event that we have a high number of confirmed cases of an infection associated with the Club, we may need to step up our measures in line with our Contingency Plan and advice received from UKHSA Local Health Protection Teams. This will be as a last resort given the detrimental impact on children, their families and our staff team.

If the Club needs to close, the manager will notify parents or carers as soon as possible. The manager will also inform the Surrey Early Years Team as well as other relevant parties, eg feeder schools, other users of shared premises, etc.

Contact Details:

Surrey Early Years Advisors: 

Surrey Family Information Service Telephone: 01372 833914


This policy was adopted by: Planet Warriors Kids Club


Date: April 2024

To be reviewed: July 2025


Signed: Laura Pring

Written in accordance with:

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2023): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Health [3.42].

UK Health Security Agency ‘People with symptoms of a respiratory infection or Covid-19’ 1st April 2022


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